Lifelong Learning Programme

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Towards the Recognition of

Non-discrimination Principles at School

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Work in progress

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This section allows a constant communication and sharing of information among the project partners as far as the activities for the different intellectual outputs are concerned.

Each project partner upload this section of a three months basis.

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Partners' Institution:
University of Siena
Project's period (from/to):
01 September 2016 - 31 August 2018
Activity concerned:
PM - Project Management
Objectives of activities carried out:
Setting IHR work plan and timetable
Setting UniSi Team work plan and timetable
Exhaustive knowledge and comprehension of the main project management aspects and requirements
Production of IHR Italian brochure

Internal dissemination to make the academic community aware of IHR
External dissemination of IHR context, target groups and general aims
BP dissemination report

Involvement of 5 Italian schools
Involvement of 4 Associate partners

Training Activity organisation and delivery in all its scientific aspects & technicalities (English version)
Training Activity organisation and delivery in all its scientific aspects & technicalities (Italian version)
Memorandum of Understanding between Home & Host Institution in view of the IHR Training Activity
Sharing the IHR experience with the partners
Selection of the Italian Teachers who will attend the Training Activity 'Expert in Multicultural School Environment'

Periodic reports on the activitities carried out and financial reports
Evaluation Report
Final Financial Report
Description of activities carried out:
Participation in IHR kickoff meeting in Florence
Participation in IHR second partners' meeting in Coimbra
Participation in IHR third partners' meeting in Liege
Perticipation in IHR foruth partners' meeting in Paris
Organisation of UniSi team meetings following each transnational meeting.
In depth analysis of the material from each partners' meeting.

Translation from English into Italian of IHR description and in-house printing of IHR Italian brochure

Contacts and meetings with the 5 Italian schools selected, explaining IHR context, target groups and general aims
Translating from English into Italian the School Presentation Form and Participation Form to facilitate their understanding and filling in.
Collection of Schools Presentation Forms and Participation Forms
Uploading of Schools Presentation Forms and Participation Forms into IHR Portal

Communication to CGIL Scuola (Trade Union) to inform about IHR context, target groups and general aims
A. Viviani's participation and IHR presentation in “Giornata di studio dedicata al tema dell’educazione interculturale”, organised by SIETAR (Society for Intercultural Education, Training and Research) Italia, and Siena Italian Studies (Siena, Nov 18th 2016)
IHR presentation at “Giornata di studio dedicata al tema dell’educazione interculturale”, organised by SIETAR (Society for Intercultural Education, Training and Research) Italia, and Siena Italian Studies (Siena, Nov 18th 2016).
Meeting with Siena International School (Feb 8th 2017) to promote IHR in Italian schools not directly involved in the project but with a strong interest in multiculturalism
A.Viviani's participation & IHR presentation at the International Meeting 'European Memories of Borders', organised by Istituto Storico Grossetano della Resistenza e dell'Età Contemporanea (Grosseto, Feb 17-18, 2017)
M. Giampaolo's participation and IHR presentation in Arezzo Educational Festival (Arezzo, March 22nd 2017).
A. Viviani's participation and IHR presentation in the Annual Meeting of School Teachers & Staff, organised by Unicef Italia - School Unit (Grosseto, Sept 8th-10th 2017).
A. Viviani' s meeting with the Italian Ministry of Education at UniSi Santa Chiara Lab. Alessandra Viviani presented IHR to Dr Donatella Solda and Damien Lanfrey from the Italian Ministry of Education, visiting the University of Siena (Siena, Oct 9th 2017).
A. Viviani's participation and IHR presentation during the kick off meeting of the project Europeans Win Ostracism: from Remembrance to a Dialogue Society (E-WORDS)' - Project Number: 588617-CITIZ-1-2017-1-IT-CITIZ-REMEM (Siena, Oct 12th 2017)
A. Viviani's participation and IHR presentation during the meeting organised by Unicef Grosseto on new tools to promote integration in schools (Grosseto, Nov 13th 2017)
A. Viviani's presentation of IHR to Fondazione Scuola di Alta Formazione del Terzo Settore (ForTes), with special focus on the training activity (Siena, Dec 6th 2017)
A. Viviani's presentation of IHR to Training for Unicef Volunteers (Siena, Mar 22nd 2018)
A. Viviani's presentation of IHR to Grammar School 'Carducci-Ricasoli' students (Grosseto, Mar 26th 2018)
A. Viviani's presentation of IHR during the Second Project Partners Meeting of STAR - Stand Together Against Racism (Goglow, PL, May 15th, 2018)

Providing UniSi Press Office with IHR info with special concern to the activities in the selected schools for the national media campaign
Providing UniSi Communication Office with IHR info to be published in UniSi portal, Twitter and Facebook accounts
Posts on the IHR Facebook page

Writing of the BP dissemination report

Telephone and mail contacts with REDU (Latina, IT) in prospect of its joining IHR as Associate Partner
Telephone and mail contacts with Associazione Culturale Ulisse (Siena, IT) in prospect of its joining IHR as Associate Partner
Telephone and mail contacts with Federazione Esperantista Italiana (Milano, IT) in prospect of its joining IHR as Associate Partner
Telephone and mail contacts with Noi@Europe (Napoli, IT) in prospect of its joining IHR as Associate Partner
Telephone and mail contacts with Istituto storico grossetano della Resistenza e dell'Età Contemporanea (Grosseto, IT), in prospect of its joining IHR as Associate Partner.
Telephone and mail contacts with Progetto Aisha Association (Milano, IT), in prospect of its joining IHR as Associate Partner.), in prospect of its joining IHR as Associate Partner.

Writing of the Training Activity Programme
Analysis of ECVET best practices, tools and procedures in view of the IHR Training Activity
E-mailing teachers already involved in IHR and other teachers not yet involved in the project to introduce the Training Activity programme, aims and ECVET certification in order to invite them to participate in the course.
Providing partners with organisational info on the Training Activity (trainees' accomodation during the TA, location, how to reach Siena).
Outline of the module contents of the Training Activity, the Memorandum of Understanding, the Learning Agreement to present the partners with.
Analysis of the partners' feedback on the above mention documents.
Contacts with the partners for the activation of the Europass procedure
Dealing with all the technicalities in view of the delivering of the Training Activity (trainees' accommodation, booking of the rooms, trainees' cards to access university canteen, etc)
Outline of the Training Course Register and the Certification (according to the draft provided by Pixel) (in progress)
Several mail exchanges and skype meetings with the partners to keep them updated on the work in progress for the Training Activitity and evaluation of their feedback.
Writing of the Evaluation Report
Meeting the deadlines for Activities & Financial Reports and uploading material in the IHR portal
Results Achieved:
Partners' agreement on IHR work plan and timetable setting
UniSi Team agreement on IHR work plan and timetable setting
Ability to manage, implement and disseminate the project

IHR Italian brochure

Collection of Participation Letters and Participation Forms of 5 Italian schools

IHR page in UniSi portal, Twitter and Facebook accounts
Posts on Facebook and Twitter and constant update of the IHR page in the University of Siena Portal.
Press releases on the IHR activities published in national and regional newspapers and magazines (press and on-line)
Presentations during several meetings & conferences

REDU (Latina, IT) joined IHR as Associate Partner
Associazione Culturale Ulisse (Siena, IT) joined IHR as Associate Partner
FEI (Milano, IT) joined IHR as Associate Partner
Noi@Europe (Napoli, IT) joined IHR as Associate Partner
Istituto storico grossetano della Resistenza e dell'Età Contemporanea (Grosseto, IT) joined IHR as Associate Partner.
Associazione Aisha (Milan, IT) joined IHR as Associate Partner

Thorough knowledge of ECVET principles and best practices
Production of the Memorandum of Understanding and Learning Agreement, Content of the Mobility Pass, Final certification in view of the IHR Training Activity
Production of the Training Activity Programme and delivery of two courses (5 days in English and 2 days in Italian)
Agreement on the future steps of the project
Production of the Activities Report and the Financial Report, according to the Contract regulations and templates provided by Pixel

Production of the BP dissemination reports
Production of the Evaluation Report
Production of the activities and financial reports (both mid-term & final versions)

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.