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Partners' Institution:
Klaipėda University

Project's period (from/to):
01 September 2016 - 31 August 2018

Activity concerned:
PM - Project Management

Objectives of activities carried out:
The project management is carried out throughout the project period and ensures the correct development of the project activities and the achievements of the expected results. It is divided into 4 main activities: coordination of activities, dissemination, exploitation, quality and monitoring plan.
Setting Klaipeda University project group work plan and timetable.
Exhaustive knowledge and comprehension of the main project management aspects and requirements.
Production of the IHR project Lithuanian brochure.
Internal dissemination to make the academic community aware of the IHR.
External dissemination of the IHR project activities and results.
Involvement of 8 Lithuanian schools.
Involvement of 7 Associate partners.
Signing the agreements with schools and associate partners.
Sharing the IHR experience with the associate partners.
Periodic concats with schools involded into the project and the associate partners.
Selection of the Iithuanian teachers who will attend the Training Activity 'Expert in Multicultural School Environment', and preparation required documents their visit.
Sharing the experience with the assoc. partners after the traininig activity in Siena.
Sharing the IHR experience and dissemination the project results.
Organisation of the multiplier event "Intercultural Education:chalenges and facilities" in Klaipeda 01/12/2017.
Organisation of the distribution of evaluation questionnaires and testimonials.
Periodic reports on the activitities carried out and financial reports.
Evaluation Report.
Final Financial Report.

Description of activities carried out:
Participation in the IHR kick-off meeting in Florence (Italy).
Participation in the 2nd Partners' meeting in Coimbra (Portugal).
Participation in the 3 rd Partners' meeting in Liege (Belgium).
Participation in the 4th Partners' meeting in Paris (France).
Organisation of KU team meetings following each transnational meeting.
Organisation of KU team meetings with teachers and associate partners following each transnational meeting.
Translation from English into Lithuanian the IHR description and in-house printing of IHR Lithuanian brochure.
Translating from English into Lithuanian the IHR Presentation to facilitate their understanding in.
Providing the Klaipeda University Communication and Relation Office with IHR info to be published in KU website and Facebook.
Contacts and meetings with the 8 schools selected, explaining IHR context, target groups and general aims.
Collection of Schools Presentation Forms and Participation Forms.
Uploading of Schools Presentation Forms and Participation Forms into IHR Portal.
Providing KU Press Office with IHR info with special concern to the activities in the selected schools for the national media campaign
Providing KU Communication Office with IHR info to be published in KU portal, and Facebook accounts
Posts on the IHR Facebook page.
Analysis of ECVET best practices, tools and procedures in view of the IHR Training Activity.
Permanent internal and external communication about the IHR project activities and achieved results.
42 dissemination events were organized in the:
- 8 National Meetings;
- 1 National Workshops;
- 8 Conferences;
- 4 Training seminars;
- 6 posts shared on social networks;
- 14 articles on websites.
- 1 Transnational meeting
- Printing and distributing of the I Have Rights brochure (~400)
The most important of them:
G. Straksiene presented IHR project in the national conference „Etninė kultūra ir tautinė savastis šiandienos iššūkių kontekste“, organised by Education Center of Klaipeda region (Gargždai, Nov 23th 2016).
G. Straksiene's participation and IHR presentation during the international conference organised by Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences on new tools to promote integration in schools (Vilnius, May 12th 2017).
G. Straksiene's presentation of IHR project during the 7th The Future of Education international conference, held in Florence (Florence, June 8th 2017).
G. Straksiene presented IHR project in Norway, Stord Haugesund (HOGSKULEN PA VESTLANDET) during the first project partners meeting of a new project CASE (Creativity, Art and Science in Primary Education) (Stord Haugesund, Nov 13-14th 2017).
The round table discussion "Integration of the returning and arriving to Lithuania into Lithuanian schools" organized by Lithuanian Ministry of Education was held at Pedagogų Švietimo ir Kultūros Centras in Klaipeda. During this discussion, G. Straksiene presented IHR project results, and shared her experience in participating in the international training courses in Siena. (Klaipeda, Nov 3th 2017).
G. Straksiene's participation in the International conference in Japan and IHR presentation during the conference (Fukuoka, March 26th 2018).
Telephone and mail contacts with Spiritual Guidance Center for Youth (Dvasinės pagalbos jaunimui centras – DPJC) in prospect of its joining IHR as Associate Partner.
Telephone and mail contacts with Western Lithuanian Parents Forum (Vakarų Lietuvos tėvų forumas) in prospect of its joining IHR as Associate Partner.
Telephone and mail contacts with Klaipeda Teacher Education and Cultural Centre (Klaipedos pedagogų švietimo ir kultūros centras) in prospect of its joining IHR as Associate Partner.
Telephone and mail contacts with Lithuanian Social Pedagogues Association (Lietuvos socialinių pedagogų asociacija) in prospect of its joining IHR as Associate Partner.
Telephone and mail contacts with Education Development Centre (EDC) Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Lithuania, in prospect of its joining IHR as Associate Partner.
E-mailing teachers already involved in IHR and other teachers not yet involved in the project to introduce the Training Activity programme, aims and ECVET certification in order to invite them to participate in the course.
Feedback of the module contents of the Training Activity, the Memorandum of Understanding, the Learning Agreement to Siena University team.
Contacts with the partners for the activation of the articles writing procedure.
Dissemination the experience with the associate partners after the traininig activity in Siena. Meeting in KU 11/10/2017.
Organization (telephone and mail contacts with organizers) the multiplier event "Intercultural Education:chalenges and facilities" for Lithuanian teachers, headmasters, educators in Klaipeda 01/12/2017.
Collection of the evaluation questionnaires and testimonials.
Meeting the deadlines for Activities & Financial Reports and uploading material in the IHR portal.

Results Achieved:
Partners' agreement on IHR work plan and timetable setting.
Klaipeda University project group agreement on IHR work plan and timetable setting.
IHR Lithuanian brochure.
Collection of Participation Letters and Participation Forms of 8 Lithuanian schools.
IHR page in Klaipeda University website and Facebook accounts.
Production of the Activities Report, according to the Contract regulations and templates provided by Pixel.
Posts on Facebook and constant update of the IHR page in the University of Klaipeda, and also schools involved in the project.
Press releases on the IHR activities published in national and regional newspapers and magazines (press and on-line).
Presentations during the meetings & conferences. In total - 42 dissemination events.
Has been involed 7 associate Partners:
Spiritual Guidance Center for Youth (Dvasinės pagalbos jaunimui centras – DPJC) (Klaipeda) joined IHR as Associate Partner.
Western Lithuanian Parents Forum (Vakarų Lietuvos tėvų forumas - VLTF) (Klaipeda) joined IHR as Associate Partner.
Klaipeda Teacher Education and Cultural Centre (Klaipedos pedagogų švietimo ir kultūros centras - KPŠKC) (Klaipeda) joined IHR as Associate Partner.
Lithuanian Social Pedagogues Association (Lietuvos socialinių pedagogų REDU (Latina, IT) (Vilnius) joined IHR as Associate Partner.
Education Development Center (Ugdymos plėtotės centras) (Vilnius) joined IHR as Associate Partner.
International school "Universa Via" (Tarptautinė mokykla "Universa Via") (Klaipeda) joined IHR as Associate Partner.
Klaipeda Queen’s Luize Youth Centre (Klaipedos Karalienės Luizės Jaunimo centras) joined IHR as Associate Partner.
Publication of announcements on 7 websites addressed to teachers and school community.
5 Lithuanian teachers participated in the IHR project training courses in Siena (5 days).
Has been collected 30 evaluation questionnaires and 7 testimonials.
Production of the Activities Report and the Financial Report, according to the Contract regulations and templates provided by Pixel.
Production of the BP dissemination report.
Production of the Evaluation report.
Production of the activity and financial reports.