This section allows a constant communication and sharing of information among the project partners as far as the activities for the different intellectual outputs are concerned.
Each project partner upload this section of a three months basis.
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Partners' Institution:
Human Rights Centre

Project's period (from/to):
01 September 2016 - 31 August 2018

Activity concerned:
IO3 - Publication on the Integration of Immigrant Students at Schools

Objectives of activities carried out:
- To produce a publication for secondary school teachers in order to answer to their difficulties in managing multicultural classes.
- HRC decided, in accordance to the partners, be the publisher of the book.
- Final Publication in English.
- Index and abstracts of the final publication in Portuguese.

Description of activities carried out:
- During the meeting in Coimbra 30-31 March 2017, some of the issues regarding the publication were discussed.
- 3 articles were sent to be part of the publication.
- HRC, agreeing to be the publisher, started diligences to gather information regarding the print shops (budgets) and the ISBN code.
- Outline of the editorial guidelines for contributors (with the University of Siena)
- Several mailings with Pixel and the University of Siena regarding the publication procedures.
- Several mailings and meetings with the print shop.
- Translation of the index and abstracts from English into Portuguese
- Translation of Portuguese teachers' testimonies from Portuguese to English

Results Achieved:
- 3 articles were sent to the University of Siena as a contribution from the HRC.
- The print shop was selected
- The publication has already an ISBN code
- The final version of the publication was sent to the print shop.
- English version of the Portuguese teachers' testimony
- Portuguese version of the IO3's index and abstracts (online)
- Final english version of the IO3 (on paper)