Lifelong Learning Programme

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
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Case Studies

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60 case studies have been identified. The case studies focus on intercultural issues, integration, non-discrimination values and human rights at school.

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Tuscany as Asylum Land


Name of the teacher
Serena Dominici
Subject taught:
Italian Literature, Spanish Language
Years of experience:


Name of the School:
I.I.S. Signorelli
School Typology:
Upper Secondary School
Web site:


Background and Context:
Our Institute, which includes three realities very different from each other (a Human Studies High school, a Technical-trade institute and a Vocational School for social services) faces from many years problems concerning the hospitality and the integration of foreign students in pre-adolescent and adolescent age, even during the school year.
Most of foreign students attend the Vocational Institute. Studies’ findings show that the percentage of foreign student varies between 12 and 14% compared between the three institutions.
Factual Description:
The project was developed during the school year 2013-2014 and involved a fourth-year class of the ITE composed of 20 students, of which 3 foreigners and History and Law teachers.
The objectives of the project were:
A thorough study of the asylum right, its history, the norms that rule it in Italy, in Europe and in the world. Spread in the territory the welcoming culture in favour of who doesn’t have the same rights as ours. The knowledge, through the “story”, the migrant families’ stories forced to find shelter somewhere else due to social-political situations or violence in their native Countries.
The interest rose after the meeting with the refugees’ family.
No particular difficulties during the classes have been detected.
Activities carried out:
The conducted activities were:
Group work on different juridical sources, for a compared law study on the topic of the asylum right.
Enquiries and interviews among students of the Institute to know and understand families’ stories.
Researches in Institutions and authorities dealing with refugees.
Expertise of the Arezzo Documental Centre collaborated with the class on the topic and organized at their headquarter the meeting with the refugees’ family.
The whole activity was documented with a film which concurred at the MIUR “Giornate a Montecitorio” contest.
Assessment and lesson learnt:
The case study was overall involving for the majority of the students and effective under the point of knowledge acquisition on the debated issue and citizenship and inclusiveness education competences.
Families participation was not so significant, cause of a missing restitution of the project to them, while the participation to some days in the Italian Parliament was very rewarding for the students thanks to the work done.
The project could be replicable in the following years, both for the adopted strategies during the development and for the proposed contents, which for their transversal competences and varieties offer numerous debate and research opportunities.
Description of the Case Study in National Language:

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.