Towards the Recognition of
Non-discrimination Principles at School
The I Have Rights project has been promoted trough conferences and articles.
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Homepage > Information & Events > Training Activity
Training Activity
The Training Programme was offered in English language from September 25th - 29th, to 26 teachers coming from Belgium, France, Lithuania, Greece Italy and Portugal.
Expert in Multicultural School Environment
The training was organized by the University of Siena, Italy, one of the partners of the project, addressed to teachers and based on the use of non formal education tools, with the aim to develop intercultural competences and raise awareness and acquisition of knowledge on non-discrimination principle with reference to migration issues. The Activity was implemented in close collaboration with REDU (Rete Educare I Diritti Umani) and Associazione Culturale Ulisse (ACU), both Associate Partners to the I Have Rights Project.
In particular, REDU contributed to the design of the training programme and the delivery of the Training Activity, whereas ACU was in charge of the evaluation activities.
The Training Programme was offered in English language from September 25th - 29th, to 26 teachers coming from Belgium, France, Lithuania, Greece, Italy and Portugal.
A shorter version of the training was offered in Italian language on September 28th and 29th, targeting 14 Italian teachers who had no opportunity to attend the 5-day course due to job commitments.