This section presents the main information about the I Have Rights project

The European Union is dealing with migration policy issues. The knowledge and understanding of human rights and non-discrimination values are the pillars of a peaceful cohabitation in a renewed European society. Education has a crucial role in this context.

Provide secondary school teachers with the skills to deal with multicultural classrooms through the acquisition of intercultural competences based on the understanding of human rights and non-discrimination values.

Target Groups
The main target groups of the project are:
- Secondary school students and teachers
- School headmasters and administrative staff
- Policy makers and experts in the field of education

The project activities will be organized in the following phases:
- Phase 1 - Data collection an analysis for the collection of Case Studies and Best Practices
- This phase is devoted to the scientific analysis of the state of the art in non-discrimination and intercultural competences in secondary schools. The aim is to assess the perception on discrimination and migration related issues of the target groups (students, teachers, headmasters, administrative personnel, parents).
- Phase 2 – Development of the Guidelines
- This phase is dedicated to the creation of the Guidelines for secondary school teachers that have the aim to increase their intercultural competences and raise awareness on non-discrimination values at school level. The Guidelines will be created also to contribute to the development of schools policies aimed to fight against discrimination and to promote equality at schools with specific reference to the management of multicultural classrooms with presentence of migrants and refugees students.
- Phase 3 – Development of the Publication
- This phase is dedicated to the creation of a research book that will collect research materials carried out by the project partners during the project lifecycle as a reflection on integration issues and intercultural education at school.
- Phase 4 - Testing
- Each of the deliverables produced will be tested in the framework of specific events addressed to the project’s target groups. The testing phase will allow the collection of relevant feedbacks from the end users in order to further improve the deliverables produced and create results that are fully consistent with needs and expectations of the end users.
- Phase 5 - Training and Multiplier events
- The project partners will organize workshops addressed to teachers and headmasters, using non formal education tools aiming at developing intercultural competences and raising of awareness and acquisition of knowledge on non-discrimination principle with reference to migration issues.
A number of multiplier events will be organized to disseminate the results reached, methodology implemented and output produced in the IHR project. The participants in the multiplier events will be: school teachers, headmasters, administrative staff, experts on human rights and anti-discrimination issues, policy makers.

Expected Results
The main project deliverables include:
- Collection of Case Studies and Best Practice on intercultural competences at school
- Guidelines for secondary school teachers on dealing with multicultural classrooms
- Publication on strategies for the integration of immigrant students