Lifelong Learning Programme

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Case Studies

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60 case studies have been identified. The case studies focus on intercultural issues, integration, non-discrimination values and human rights at school.

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Foreign Students’ Inclusion


Name of the teacher
Anna Laura Pulcino
Subject taught:
Support teacher – BES Operational Sector
Years of experience:
From 10 to 30


Name of the School:
ISIS “L. Da Vinci – E. Fermi”
School Typology:
Upper Secondary School
Arcidosso (Grosseto)
Web site:


Background and Context:
The “L. Da Vinci – E. Fermi” School represents the only Upper Secondary School located on the Amiata area, in the province of Grosseto. It is located in a mountainous context, which has been indicated by the Regional Educational Office as area at a high risk of migrations.
The School is composed of five other Institutes (Scientific High School, Human Sciences High School, Economical and Technical Institute, Technical Chemical and Electronical Institute, Vocational Institute) and hosts 634 students, coming from the Amiata area but also from the whole province of Grosseto, which has annexed a students’ dormitory. The percentage of foreign students is around 16,15% but it is a very variable index because it is influenced by the recently arrived students who enrol during the whole school year. This kind of students is present in all the School, with important peaks in the Vocational Institute.
Factual Description:
The “Foreign Students Inclusion” Project, part of “Special Educational Needs” Project which is developed from the operational sector, concerns managing and educational standardization, shared in the whole School, to overcome the logical emergency that often leads interventions in this field.
Activities carried out:
Organisational method:
- The welcoming phase is handled by the Secretary Office in collaboration with Operational Sector;
- Linguistic Labs are conducted by specialised external experts, thanks to the “Unione dei Comuni” fund;
- Personal Plans elaboration is on Class Councils.
Assessment and lesson learnt:
The project allows to remove obstacles which impede a foreign students real inclusion, avoiding in the majority of cases the dispersion or the educational interruption and promoting actions in an education to differences respect logic in every school organisational level.
The project (in its whole or just part of it) is replicable in all the Schools of every grade.
Description of the Case Study in National Language:

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.