Partners' Institution:
University of Siena

Name of the person involved in the event:
Alessandra Viviani, Stefania Zamparelli, Fabio Berti, Mario Giampaolo

Date of the event:
28 September 2017 - 29 September 2017

Type of Dissemination event:
Training Seminar

Target group:

Number of people reached by event:

Held in:
Siena (Italy)

Description of Dissemination Event:
The main training activity (TA) in IHR (Expert in Multicultural Environment) was very well received by the Italian teachers of the secondary schools involved in the project by UniSi team.
However the fact that the 5 days training was delivered in English prevented most Italian teachers to attend this course.
So IHR UniSi team decided to replicate part of the main TA in a two-days training seminar, delivered in Italian.
18 teachers enrolled but only 14 could attend due to either personal problems or undelayable school commitments.
The training seminar was held at the premises of the Dept. of Political and International Sciences of the University of Siena.

Outcomes and Results:
At the end of the training seminar, the attendees were fully aware of the content of the project and the related TA and expressed their appreciation for the methodology and tools they were presented during the two days (source: Final Evaluation Questionnaires).
All the attendees asked to be kept informed on IHR final results and expressed their willingness to attend further training seminars of similar kind in the future for the maintenance of their multicultural competences.

Supporting Documents: