This section allows a constant communication and sharing of information among the project partners as far as the activities for the different intellectual outputs are concerned.
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Partners' Institution:
Human Rights Centre

Project's period (from/to):
01 September 2016 - 31 August 2018

Activity concerned:
IO1 - Collection of Case Studies and Best Practices

Objectives of activities carried out:
- Involvement of 5 portuguese schools.
- Participation in the preparation of the Students’ and Teachers’ Questionnaires: analysis of the questionnaires for posterior suggestions.
- Translation of both questionnaires, from English to Portuguese.
- Define the methodology for Questionnaires and Case Studies selection.
- Collect of data on students and teachers'/staff awareness on human rights and intercultural issues in schools.
- Collect 10 Case Studies.
- Select 2 best practices.
- Process and anlyse data from the questionnaires applied to teachers/staff and students.
- Write the national report presenting the results achieved from the questionnaires about human rights and intercultural issues in schools.
- Evaluate IO1

Description of activities carried out:
- Contact (by phone and presencial meetings) with the Councillor for Education of the city of Coimbra (Portugal): presentation of the IHR project, identification of the 5 schools, bearing in mind the project’s goals.
- Contact, by email, phone and presencial meetings with the Directors of 5 portuguese schools, presenting the IHR project.
- HRC staff meetings and a Skype meeting with the University of Siena: giving comments and suggestions to both questionnaires.
- Translation of Students’ and Teachers’ Questionnaires, from English to Portuguese.
- Draft the “parents authorisation request” to apply the Students’ Questionnaires (schools need the authorisation of the parents/caregiver to apply questionnaires to the students).
- Draft the permission request to Direção Geral de Educação (Ministry of Education) to apply the questionnaires in the schools.
- Draft the permission request to the "Portuguese Data Protection Authority" to apply the questionnaires in the schools.
- Meetings with the IGC/HRC and the 5 schools to define the methodology for Case Studies selection and questionnaires.
- Collection and submission of the 10 case studies and the 2 best practices in the IHR portal.
- Application of the questionnaires to 153 teachers/staff and 500 students.
- Analysis of data collected through the IHR Students Questionnaire and Teacher/Staff Questionnaire in the selected schools and writing of the national report.
- Testing IO1 through meetings and ME.

Results Achieved:
- Participation of 5 Schools in the project: collection of participation letters.
- Definitive versions of Teachers and Students’ questionnaires in Portuguese.
- Collection of 10 case studies and its uploading in the IHR portal.
- Selection of 2 best practices.
- Production of the National report on students and teachers/staff's awareness on human rights and intercultural issues in schools.
- Evaluation Report