This section allows a constant communication and sharing of information among the project partners as far as the activities for the different intellectual outputs are concerned.
Each project partner upload this section of a three months basis.
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Partners' Institution:
Human Rights Centre

Project's period (from/to):
01 September 2016 - 31 August 2018

Activity concerned:
PM - Project Management

Objectives of activities carried out:
The project management is carried out throughout the project period and ensures the correct development of the project activities and the achievements of the expected results.
It is divided into 4 main activities:
- Coordination of the activities
- Dissemination
- Exploitation
- Evaluation
Coordination of the activities, including:
• Planning of all the activities of the project for the 2 years project life
• Participation in and organisation of 4 transnational meetings of the steering committee
• Update the project website
• In progress reporting activities and delivery of yearly reports at progress and final stage
Dissemination, including:
- Sharing the I Have Rights Portal and the results of the I Have Rights project with the highest number of operators in the field of education and the public in general.
- Spreading the I Have Rights activities and results on the most popular Social Network
It aims to promote the project sustainability. The actions to be carried out are:
• Promote the Portal through the exchange links with Portals addressing similar issues (e.g. Portals providing educational materials for teachers; portals on human rights etc.)
• Promote the among public authorities and key policy makers in order to gain institutional consensus and promoting the insertion of project results in policies for Education.
• Involve new members as associated partners
The aim of evaluation is to measure and ensure the quality of all the activities and of the project intellectual output.

Description of activities carried out:
Coordination of the activities
- IHR: definition of the partners and HRC team working plan
- Fully understanding of the IHR management requirements
- Participation in the IHR kickoff meeting in Florence
- Organisation and participation at the 2nd Partners' Meeting in Coimbra, Portugal (March 30-31 2017)
- Production of disseminations reports
- Production of progress reports regarding the IHR activities
- E-mailing teachers already involved in IHR involved in the project to introduce the Training Activity programme, aims and ECVET certification in order to invite them to participate in the course.
- Organize the teachers presence in Siena, including to deal with all the technicalities necessary in organisation of an international training (eg. communication with the portuguese National Authority responsible of the Europass certificates issuing. ).
- Several mail exchanges and skype meetings with the University of Siena in order to prepare the presence of the portuguese teachers in Siena.
- Participation at the Training Activity in Siena, 25-29 of September, 2017.
- Participation at the 3rd Partners' Meeting in Liege, Belgium.
- Participation at the 4th Partners' Meeting in Paris, France.
- Organisation of HRC team meetings following each transnational meeting.
- Participation at the IHR Project Final Conference in Paris, France.
- National and international dissemination of the Project “I Have Rights” (including posts on the IHR and HRC social networks)
- Meeting with the Councillor for Education (Coimbra, Portugal): presentation and dissemination of the IHR project
- Preparation of the public national launching of the Project “I Have Rights” in the Faculty of Law of the University of Coimbra, with the participation of the schools’ Directors, the Councillor for Education of the city of Coimbra and the president of IGC/Human Rights Centre.
- Production of the IHR portuguese brochure
- Involvement of 5 portuguese schools
- Internal and external dissemination of the IHR Project: contest, target groups and general aims: 30 dissemination events were recorded in social networks, article on website, article in newspaper and a national lauching of the project.
- Production of the BP dissemination report.
- Analysis, in the HRC team meetings regarding the IHR project, on how to involve associated partners and collecting exploitation links.
- 6 links to the portal: IGC/HRC website, University of Coimbra website, International Relations Office of the University of Coimbra facebook link, IGC/HRC's facebook page, IGC/HRC's Linkedin page, Minerva's (Teachers' Training Centre) facebook page
- 6 associated partners involved: Agrupamento de Escolas Martim de Freitas, Amnistia Internacional Portugal, Secção de Defesa de Direitos Humanos, Agrupamento de Escolas Eugénio de Castro, Agrupamento de Escolas Coimbra Sul, Escola Secundária com 3.º Ciclo D. Dinis.
- Filling out 4 questionnaires about the projects partner meetings, bearing in mind the internal evaluation model developed by Pixel
- Writing of the Evaluation Report

Results Achieved:
Partners’ agreement on IHR work plan and timetable setting
HRC agreement on IHR work plan and timetable setting
Participation in 4 Transnational Meetings
Evaluation of the 4 partners' project meetings
IHR portuguese brochure
Collection of 5 participation Letters of 5 portuguese schools
Numerous dissemination events to various audiences
6 exploitation links to the project portal
6 associated partners
Production of the Best Dissemination Report
Press releases on the IHR activities published in national and newspapers.
Presentations during several meetings & conferences
Training Activity files and documents duly signed
Enrolment of 5 portuguese participantes in the training activity in Siena
Production of the activity and financial reports.
Production of the Evaluation Report