This section allows a constant communication and sharing of information among the project partners as far as the activities for the different intellectual outputs are concerned.
Each project partner upload this section of a three months basis.
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Partners' Institution:
Human Rights Centre

Project's period (from/to):
01 September 2016 - 31 August 2018

Activity concerned:
IO2 - Guideline for Teachers on Inclusive Education

Objectives of activities carried out:
The aim is to produce a guideline for secondary school teachers In order to answer to their difficulties in managing multicultural classes.
The practical suggestions, contained in the Guidelines, will support teachers in:
- developing their intercultural competences
- strengthening their capacity to deal with a multicultural environment in their classes
- adopting new methods and tools while dealing with multicultural classes
- implementing innovative approaches to topics like multiculturalism with the objective to guide students in learning science through an interactive and proactive approach
- developing their students intercultural competences
- The Guidelines are organised in 3 main modules:
1. Factual background
2. Responsibilities of teachers in a multicultural environment
3. Definition of teachers’ skills to become agents of change for an inclusive school
- Guidelines to create the modules' "Responsibilities of teachers in a multicultural environment", outline of chapter 2 content.
- Evaluate IO2

Description of activities carried out:
- Meetings among the IGC/HRC team to discuss and outline of the content "Responsibilities of teachers in a multicultural environment".
- Analysis of the Table of Content together with the Klaipėda University team.
- First draft of part 2 of chapter 2: "Knowledge as the first step to intercultural competences"
- Analysis Chapter 1 - Factual background & Chapter 2 - Responsibilities of teachers in a multicultural environment
- HRC Team feedback on Chapter 1 - Factual background & Chapter 3 - Definition of Teachers' skills.
- Analysis of the Partners' feedback on Chapter 2
- Final version of chapter 2 ("Knowledge as the first step to intercultural competences")
- Translation to Portuguese of the 3 main modules of the Guidelines
-Testing of IO2 during meetings and ME.

Results Achieved:
- During the meeting in Coimbra 30-31 March 2017, it was done a draft version of the new content "Responsibilities of teachers in a multicultural environment".
- 1st draft of Chapter 2 - "Knowledge as the first step to intercultural competences".
- HRC team feedback to the Partners on Chapters 1 and 3.
- Final version of Chapter 2 - "Knowledge as the first step to intercultural competences"
- The intellectual output has been completed and the guidelines are available in several languages, including in portuguese, on the project portal.
- Evaluation report