This section allows a constant communication and sharing of information among the project partners as far as the activities for the different intellectual outputs are concerned.
Each project partner upload this section of a three months basis.
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Partners' Institution:
Project's period (from/to):
01 September 2016 - 31 August 2018
Activity concerned:
IO1 - Collection of Case Studies and Best Practices
Objectives of activities carried out:
This phase is devoted to the scientific analysis of the state of the art in non-discrimination and intercultural competences in secondary schools. The aim is to assess the perception on discrimination and migration related issues of the target groups (students, teachers, headmasters, administrative personnel, parents).
Description of activities carried out:
Inforef discussed the questionnaires for students and school staff during the kick-off meeting, and provided feedback afterwards. The two questionnaires have been translated into French and a Google form has been created to make them more accessible. All the questionnaires are available on a dedicated page that will be widely disseminated.
Schools only really started completing the questionnaires in January. Getting school staff questionnaires proved more difficult than for students. Initially, 457 student questionnaires and 65 teacher questionnaires had been collected. They were used for a fist vrsion of the report and presented during the 2nd partners' meeting.
In the end, 481 student questionnaires 67 school staff questionnaires have been collected. About 30 more student questionnaires had to be discarded because they were too incomplete. The updated report was sent to the coordinator and the University of Siena.
Eleven case studies and two best practices have been collected. Ten case studies are available on the portal in English and in French, the two best practices were sent to the coordinator.
Various schools have been contacted with information about the project and several appointments took place. Five are formally involved as associated schools. Three more teachers are involved independently from a school.
Results Achieved:
The final version of the two questionnaires is available and translated in French. A dedicated page has been created. 481 student questionnaires and 67 teacher questionnaires have been collected. Ten case studies are available on the portal in English and in French, the two best practices were sent to the coordinator. Five associated schools are involved as well as three independent teachers.